Monday, November 23, 2009

Cherry Blossoms Tattoo

Cherry blossom tattoo designs are exceedingly popular. Women adore these wonderful designs and their appreciation isn't based on beauty alone. In addition to being an eye-catching option, they also convey powerful positive messages.

The first part of the attraction to cherry blossom tattoo designs is obvious to everyone. They are exceptionally beautiful. The cherry blossom flower is one of nature's most engaging creations. Blossoms are both striking and delicate. There is something wonderfully soft and feminine about them, making them both aesthetically pleasing and appropriate for display in every situation.

Cherry Blossoms Tattoo Cherry Blossoms Tattoo

Cherry Blossoms Tattoo Cherry Blossoms Tattoo

The popularity of these tattoo designs also stems from the symbolism attached to cherry blossoms. Interestingly, these fantastic flowers can be interpreted in two different--but equally meaningful--ways.

Traditionally, the Japanese view cherry blossoms as a reminder of just how short and beautiful life can be. Cherry trees blossom for a relatively short time and do so only once annually. The appearance of these awe-inspiring flowers is rare and underlines the way life itself can be brief, yet meaningful. A cherry blossom tattoo can tell the world that you value every moment, do not take life for granted, and are committed to making the most of your time. That is a powerful message.

Cherry Blossoms Tattoo Cherry Blossoms Tattoo

In Chinese culture, the flowers of the cherry tree tell a different story. They are closely linked the idea of feminine power and to the idea of true love. This, too, makes a cherry blossom design very communicative. Instead of being just a pretty flower, it can also be a celebration of one's place in the world as a woman or of the power of love.

Cherry Blossoms Tattoo Cherry Blossoms Tattoo

If you are trying to choose the perfect tattoo design, you may want to consider cherry blossoms. These Asian-inspired patterns combine the strong appeal of tremendous visual beauty with an opportunity to express some very important and meaningful beliefs.

You can find the best tattoo designs online in a matter of minutes. Take the time to choose a perfect design for your ink.Tattoos are permanent and your decision is going to be part of you forever. Do it right--with great artwork, a perfect tattoo design and absolutely no regrets. Don't settle for a second rate tat.

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