Anarchy Tattoos - The usual symbol for anarchy is a stylized "A" within a circle. As a tattoo symbol, the anarchy "A" has been very popular with groups whose members have considered themselves as being on the fringes of accepted society, either because of their belief systems or their lifestyle. The anarchy symbol has at various times been embraced by punks, skin-heads and the gay community. It has also been used to protest globalism - as in global-capitalism or industrialization, global-warming and been embraced by environmental activists.
Political anarchists prized the rights of the individual and minorities over the potential tyranny of the majority. The Anarchy symbols first came into use over one hundred and fifty years ago and was used to protest oppressive governmental regimes, monarchies and states that outlawed unions. Other symbols of anarchy have been the extensive use of the colour black, as used in black flags, black crosses and black cats; a symbol of a raised clenched fist, and a number of variations on the Jolly Roger or Skull and Crossed Bones, the chosen flag of pirates who sailed for no nation but themselves.
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