Sunday, July 27, 2008

Exclusive Tattoo Design Part #1

If an alien knows that on earth had something really cool like tattoo, may be they will steal all information about how to choose a better tattoo and they will love it badly. Here are some of my tattoo design portofolios, but it end up i only have one in my back a Buddha Tattoo, feel free to download it as you like hope it will gain some meanings to you, im glad to share it.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Top Ten Tattoo Body Parts

In the endless deluge of searches on our web site for tattoos, tattoo ideas, tattoo designs and tattoo symbols - we are talking about millions of searches, folks! - we get more than a fair smattering of people looking for tattoos for specific body parts. And the searches lead us to believe that there are probably more women than men searching online for tattoo ideas - as you will soon see.

I must confess at this point that when I initially started seeing people looking for tattoo designs and symbols for specific body parts I was puzzled. It somehow seemed backwards to me. My own prejudice was that an individual should choose a tattoo that was important to them first, and then in consultation with a tattoo artist, then decide the best place for the tattoo to be inked. I have since changed my mind. Each of us has to follow our own journey in life and that certainly includes the tattoo and body art path.

Always bear one thing in mind when it comes to tattooing - not all body parts are created equal. The first consideration is that not all the skin on your body is the same, nor will it take tattoo pigment the same way. Some of your skin is designed to form calluses for protection, other skin is designed to crease along joints. Tattoos on elbows, knuckles, knees, and feet are infamous for fading out. Tattoos that cross areas of the body were your skin is designed to crease may result in lines spreading out, a term tattoo artists refer to as "blow-out". A good tattoo artist is not going to want to tattoo any design on you that doesn't reflect well on them as an artist.

Despite the incredible growing popularity and acceptance of tattooing in most places, some tattoos still have an element of stigma attached to them. The first of course is subject matter. Racially or sexually offensive tattoos are always going to be seen in a negative light. But tattooing certain body parts may still offend potential employers - and that includes the military services - and other members of the community, and those body parts are the ones that we can't "cover-up" if we might have to, namely, faces, necks, and hands - and in some instances, feet. Listen closely to your tattoo artists. And take the time to choose your tattoo artists wisely. So here they are in apparent order of preference:

1. Lower Back Tattoos - This is probably the first choice as a location for a woman getting her first tattoo. Sexy, sensual, exposed at the beach but covered up at the office. May be shared with a lover but hidden from the rest of the world - especially parents and Grandma. Celebs like Angelina Jolie her her lower back tiger tattoo and Jessica Alba's bow are two examples of lower back tattoos.

2. Wrist Tattoos - popular with starlets. And can be hidden under a watch or bracelet if need be. Winston Churchill's mother had a snake encircling her wrist. Examples would be Lindsay Lohan for her wrist tattoo "breathe" and Eminem for wrist tattoos.

3. Foot Tattoos - A famous holiday vacation splurge. The problem is that tattoos on feet tend to need a lot of touching up because of their propensity to fade quickly. Carrie Otis and Charlize Theron are known for their foot tattoos.

4. Ankle Tattoos - Popularized by super models Christy Turlington and Stephanie Seymour. Can be very delicate or a bold tribal design.

5. Armband Tattoos (true, not a specific body part) - Was once the staple in tattoo parlors around the world. Seemed like other guy in the frat house had one. Pamela Anderson triggered a wave of barbwire. The tribal armband has bought a lot of tattoo artists a new Harley.

6. Back Tattoos (also, back-piece tattoos) - The largest blank canvas on the human body. Most tattoo artists will advise you to go as large as you can comfortably mange, and then go larger. Tattoos can be an alluring enthusiasm. You may think you just want one - and which tattoo artist hasn't heard that a thousand times or more - but keep in mind when choosing your tattoo design and placement how you might incorporate it into an even larger and more elaborate piece. Check out Lena Headey, 50 Cent & LeBron James for back tattoos.

7. Arm Tattoos (which often specifies, upper arm, lower arm, forearm, shoulder and even sleeves) - see Back Tattoos. A single Koi, can in time, become an entire Japanese inspired sleeve. See Amy Winehouse, David Beckham and Anouk for examples of arm tattoos.

8. Chest Tattoos - Pectorals are a favorite spot to make a man's chest look larger. And before you ladies protest, please see number nine. Examples of chest tattoos are Lenny Kravitz and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

9. Breast Tattoos (we're standing firm on the differences between chests and breasts) - Requests for information about breast tattoos has been so popular over the years that I wrote an article entirely on that premise, called "Gilding the Lily: Why We Tattoo Breasts" Examples are Teri Polo, Christina Ricci's Blue-bird and rapper Eve.

10. Neck Tattoos - Once a taboo area for most tattoo artists and tattoo enthusiasts, the explosion in tattooing in recent years has pushed back the boundaries of what meets the community standards of acceptable body art and tattoos. Where once men and women would have full tattoo body suits, necks hands and feet were left untouched so that an individual could "cover-up" their tattoos with a suit or long dress and pass incognito in a crowd or at certain conservative social functions. Musicians and tattoo artists, individuals whose independent sources of income and public reputation as "outlaws, rogues and scoundrels", has allowed them in recent years to get tattoos that were once entirely associated with gang members or individuals who had spent time in prison. But if you want to get a job in a bank when your garage band folds, you might want to think twice. See Allen Iverson for neck tattoos. Robbie Williams has a neck tattoo as well.

Just out of the Top Ten Tattoo Body Parts were full body-suits, and the traditional Japanese kimono comes immediately to mind, belly tattoos, which is an area of the body made famous by Tommy Lee's "Mayhem" across his abdomen, and legendary rapper and actor Tupac Shakur's "Thug Life" in a similar position. Travis Barker of Blink 182 started out with a Boom Box on his belly before becoming fully tattooed.

Hand tattoos also popped up, as people have long been fascinated by the images and phrases that can be spelled across the four fingers on each hand. This has been a theme picked up in many Hollywood movies, perhaps most famously in Cape Fear - think LOVE and HATE, or LOVE and PAIN. Bold statements to be sure. For examples of hand tattoos, who better than Carey Hart or Jesse James.

And last but definitely not least, we get large numbers of searches for tattoos on what can only be euphemistically called the naughty bits, ie, all the tattoos below the belt or the bikini line. Tattoos below the belly-button - another popular search by the way - and above the pubic hair are quite common requests. However, our suspicions arose, so to speak, when the aforementioned searches were often accompanied by frequent requests for pics and photos. Sounds like some folks were just window shopping! For examples of below the belly button tattoos see Alyssa Milano and Drew Barrymore.

Angelina Jolie's Tattoo on Wanted Movie

Angelina Jolie is an Oscar-winning actress who has become popular by taking on the title role in the "Lara Croft" series of blockbuster movies. Off-screen, Jolie has become prominently involved in international charity projects, especially those involving refugees. She often appears on many "most beautiful women" lists, and she has a personal life that is avidly covered by the tabloid press. Has the letter "H" tattooed on the inside of her left wrist, which is a reference to two people she is close to who have this letter in their names: her brother, James Haven, and Timothy Hutton.

She got the tattoo when she was dating Timothy but since their break-up she now says it's only for James. Has a tattoo of the Tennessee Williams quote, "A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages." on her left forearm. Was married to Jonny Lee Miller in a black leather pants and a white shirt. On the white shirt she painted her husband's name in her own blood (across the back). Tattoos include the Japanese sign for death, two pointy black American Indian symbols, a dragon, and a large black cross. Has tattoos of the coordinates representing the locations where she adopted Maddox and Zahara on her left arm, which cover up the Billy Bob Thornton tattoo (June 2006).

Mother is Marcheline Bertrand, Father is Jon Voight. Majored in film at New York University. Collects knives and has an interest in mortuary science. Angelina and her brother, to whom she is very close, publicly spoke out to deny false rumors that the two were having an incestuous love affair. [2000] Had a childhood dream of becoming a funeral director. Named the world's sexiest woman in Swedish magazine Café. "Jolie" means "pretty" in French. Goddaughter of actress Jacqueline Bisset. Has the Latin phrase "Quod me nutrit me destruit" ("What nourishes me also destroys me") tattooed across her stomach.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tree Tattoos

tree tattooThis is such a good idea how we manage to find different style of tattoo, we can modified it based on the subject that we see and draw it as unique as you can do. Let's take a look at the picture above, she tattooed her back tree tattoo, it is called a "tree of life", that's pretty awesome and very stunning right. Indeed, you have to practice it how to create such style and let the master did it.

unique tattooOk this is what we call an awesome tattoo, a Buddha and the tree. Its tree was very beautiful, and as we can see the Buddha sitting around under the tree, such a splendid works.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Angelina Jolie

Surely the most popular tattooed female celebrity in the world today has to be Angelina Jolie. This gifted actress, who is blessed with stunning good looks, has at the very least, a dozen tattoos, and shows no signs of slowing down her collecting. Her tattoos are a reflection of her personality, exotic and with more than just a hint of dangerous sensuality. This is a babe with an edge and a true ink aficionado. A woman who professes she likes to play with knives in bed and has the name of the man she loves tattooed on her. And when he exits stage left, she doesn't hesitate to have it lasered off just as quickly. Angelina has made the tribal dragon one of the most popular tattoos for women. Jolie has over 150 web sites dedicated to her worship and her popularity shows no signs of waning as she continues to put her own personal spin on the emerging genre of female action-stars.

Pink's Tattoos

Pink - Singer has shooting star and angel on back of left shoulder, "what goes around comes around" on right wrist "tru luv" a little higher up, tattoos on upper left thigh "Mr. Pink", oriental style dragon, cartoon cat lower stomach & barcode from album Missundaztood just below hairline at back of neck, frog on left foot, kanji for luck/happiness on right ankle, infinity sign on her hip, red star on hand, dad and brother's army dog ta
gs on left foot, portrait of her dog Elvis, several others.

She also tattooed her back an Angel with bow, both art has its meaning, and for her self may be it quite important to her life and influencing to her career.

She also put the Ambigram tattoo on her right hand.

The dragon following her legs, she's very clever finding other awesome cool tattoo like the dragon.

She totally rock her life by carving tattoo in his career, some of those are the most important tattoo to boost her life and career.

Armband Tattoos

Armband Tattoos - Armband tattoo designs are arguably one of the most popular tattoo designs around. You see them wherever you look – in urban realms and rural hideouts, on CEO’s and bikers, on young women and old men. Whether hidden beneath a sleeve or proudly displayed at the beach, an armband is a classic choice for a tattoo. Sometimes tattoo art that is designed to be an armband gets modified and becomes a wrist-band or maybe an ankle-band.

For a lot of people, armbands make a great first tattoo. Even though it’s a common choice, the wide variety of available designs ensures that you can make yours very unique and personal. No matter what you picture for your armband tattoo, you will find all kinds of tattoo designs including intricate Celtic knots, Organic tribal patters, Hawaiian theme bands and feather motifs. Some people choose a band of vines with flowers while others prefer the masculine barbwire, thorns or flames. Dragons and snakes are also great designs for an armband tattoo as they can encircle the entire arm. No matter what you choose for your own arm, an armband is a bold choice for your personal tattoo gallery.

Aries Tattoos

Aries Tattoos - The Western astrological sign of Aries is occupied by the Sun from March 21 to April 19 in the tropical zodiac.

The March equinox (spring in the Northern hemisphere), is the start of the new zodiacal year and Aries, the first sign, is associated with fresh vigour and unruly beginnings.
In the sidereal zodiac, it is currently from April 19 to May 13 when the Sun is approximately in the constellation of Aries. In sidereal astrology it is additionally associated with the constellation Aries and the Greek myth of the ram which carried Athamas's son Phrixus and daughter Helle to Colchis to escape their stepmother Ino.

Aries is associated with the classical element Fire, and thus called a fire sign (along with Sagittarius and Leo). It is the domicile of Mars and the exaltation of the Sun. It is also one of the four Cardinal signs (along with Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer). Its polar opposite is Libra. Each astrological sign is assigned a part of the body, viewed as the seat of its power. Aries rules the head and face. The symbol for Aries is the ram. Aries are the pioneers and leaders of the Zodiac.

Aquarius Tattoos

Aquarius Tattoos - The Western astrological sign of Aquarius forms part of the tropical zodiac (January 20 – February 18) and of the sidereal zodiac (February 13 – March 14).

Aquarius is associated with the classical element Air, and thus called an Air Sign (with Libra and Gemini). It is also one of the four fixed signs (along with Taurus, Leo and Scorpio). Its polar opposite is Leo. It is the domicile of Saturn and Uranus. Aquarius's symbol is the water-bearer.

As an Air sign, Aquarius is associated with thought, perspective and communication. In combination with the other elements, air feels that water will obscure it, earth will suffocate it, but fire will inspire and uplift it. As a Fixed sign, it is associated with focus, individuality and determination.


Ankh - Ancient Egyptian symbol representing life. The looped cross, in which the ellipse at the top represents the ascendancy of spirit (the next world) over the cross of matter (this world). The ankh was an early crucifix symbol in the Coptic (primarily Egyptian) church, thus acknowledging the link to previous religions and beliefs of Egypt, in which the symbol represented the hope of future life and resurrection.

Angel Tattoos

Angel Tattoos - An angel tattoo design is an overtly religious symbol. Angels are anthropomorphic - meaning in the shape of men - winged forms intended to transmit the word of God to humankind. Angels personify divine will and are the messengers of God.

Winged messengers appear in a number of religions as intermediaries between the spiritual and material worlds, but appear most often in Islamic, Jewish but most particularly the Christian faiths. The word angel comes from the Greek 'aggelos', meaning messenger. Angels make frequent appearances in the Christian Bible, not only as messengers of God but also delivering his protection or punishment. Angels act as God's intermediaries, carrying out God's will in the affairs of man.

Symbols closely associated with angels in art include trumpets, harps, swords, sceptres and wands. Angels are usually portrayed as young men with wings and halos, representing their divinity. The representation of angels as Cupid-like young boys or babies, 'putti' did not occur until the period of the Renaissance.

As a tattoo design, an angel is a symbol of devotion, spirituality and faith and signifies a relationship with God. An angel can be intended as a figure of guidance and protection. An angel is often used as the centerpiece of a tattoo that is intended as a memorial.

Anchor Tattoo Designs

Anchor Tattoo Designs - The Anchor tattoo is a design that has been a fixture of modern western tattooing for the better part of two centuries, and has even more ancient symbolic roots going back several millennia. The anchor is a favorite of individuals who are associated with marine or naval careers, and is closely identified with sailors all over the world. Many young sailors got an anchor tattoo after their first crossing of the Atlantic.

The anchor is often incorporated with other design elements and is a central design theme of many military service tattoos, particularly among sailors, marines and naval aviators. Other common design elements are sailing ships, mermaids and other nautical symbols.

In ancient times the anchor, like the fish, was a symbol with ties to the early Christian church. An anchor tattoo can be thought of as holding one steadfast, like an anchor holding a great sailing ship safe in harbour, against winds and currents that might carry it astray.

Anarchy Tattoos

Anarchy Tattoos - The usual symbol for anarchy is a stylized "A" within a circle. As a tattoo symbol, the anarchy "A" has been very popular with groups whose members have considered themselves as being on the fringes of accepted society, either because of their belief systems or their lifestyle. The anarchy symbol has at various times been embraced by punks, skin-heads and the gay community. It has also been used to protest globalism - as in global-capitalism or industrialization, global-warming and been embraced by environmental activists.

Political anarchists prized the rights of the individual and minorities over the potential tyranny of the majority. The Anarchy symbols first came into use over one hundred and fifty years ago and was used to protest oppressive governmental regimes, monarchies and states that outlawed unions. Other symbols of anarchy have been the extensive use of the colour black, as used in black flags, black crosses and black cats; a symbol of a raised clenched fist, and a number of variations on the Jolly Roger or Skull and Crossed Bones, the chosen flag of pirates who sailed for no nation but themselves.

Mandy Moore's Tribal Tattoo

Amanda Leigh "Mandy" Moore (born April 10, 1984) is an American pop singer, songwriter, actress, and fashion designer. She grew up in Florida and came to fame as a teenager in the early 2000s, after the release of her teen-oriented pop albums So Real, I Wanna Be with You, and Mandy Moore. Moore has branched out into a film career, starring in 2002's A Walk to Remember and later appearing in the lead roles of other movies also aimed at teenage audiences. This pretty lady loves to pick a tribal tattoo that planted in the right arm it is also categorize as an Armband Tattoo, and the second one hmm may be a Ambigram or even an Animal Tattoo, what do you guys guess..?

Usher's Tattoo

Usher tattoo

Usher Raymond IV known simply by his first name Usher, is an American R&B and pop singer and actor who rose to fame in the mid-late 1990s. To date, he has sold approximately 30 million albums worldwide and has won five Grammy Awards. Usher is also a part owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers National Basketball Association franchise. He also has his own record label, US Records. He also use a tattoo derive from his base name Usher with a sword through it tattooed on his left arm.